Sebastien Deleersnyder is the Cybersecurity Personality of 2022!

Sebastien Deleersnyder is the Cybersecurity Personality of 2022!

Last Friday, 7th October, the Belgian Cybersecurity Industry crowned Sebastien Deleersnyder as the Cybersecurity Personality of the Year, beating fierce competition from nine other cybersecurity experts who have made great efforts in creating a safer online environment. Sebastien becomes only the second person to win this award, after Rosanna Kurrer last year.

The Cybersecurity Personality of the Year is an industry award, created by the Belgian Cybersecurity Coalition, to honor excellence, innovation, and leadership in cybersecurity in Belgium. A multidisciplinary and independent jury of impartial experts in digital techniques or cybersecurity from the private, public, and academic sector recognized the contributions of Sebastien in creating cybersecurity awareness and his efforts to increase cybersecurity competence within our economy.

“With this award, we recognize Sebastien Deleersnyder’s unique entrepreneurship, as well as his undeniable contribution to the creation of an ecosystem of cyber professionals. He succeeds in realizing his ambitions through the implementation of numerous initiatives with direct impact on the community. His international activities and charisma put Belgium on the cybersecurity map.”

Dixit the jury for the Belgium’s ‘Cybersecurity Personality of the year’.

Everyone at Toreon is extremely proud of Sebastien and the impact he has made in creating the digital world a safer place to work.

Congratulations, Sebastien!

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Read the full press release (in Dutch or French)

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