7 advantages of penetration testing

Time to take a closer look at the 7 benefits pentests have for your company.

The importance of information security for SMEs

Today, it is also unthinkable for SMEs to function without information technology or access to the Internet.

The latest ‘RSA Cybersecurity Poverty Index’ – an annual maturity self-assessment completed by a variety of organisations all over the world – shows that 67%…

The increasing importance of ISO 27001 certification

Both GDPR and NIS indicate that ISO 27001 certification is more important than ever.Toreon assists several organisations getting ISO 27001 certified

7 tools to secure your Microsoft network for free

The rules are getting increasingly strict – look at the GDPR – and attackers are becoming ever more inventive. Luckily, an acceptable level of protection…

5 tips for safe teleworking

More and more Belgian workers are now working from home to slow down the spread of the coronavirus. That is why it is important that…

7 ways to create trust by implementing the GDPR

The GDPR brings many challenges, but it is also an opportunity to create and leverage customer trust. When people trust a brand, they are more…

Cybersecurity is still too often overlooked in business strategy

Apart from knowledge of GDPR, no BEL20 board member has a clear background in information and cybersecurity. This can be seen in a profile analysis…

Threat modeling is as a discipline that fits really well in ICS and OT environments, to design and secure connected systems in a way that…

Yes, you can protect your company against ransomware

Ransomware is one of the most important cybersecurity threats that you as a company need to arm yourself against. Fortunately, the risk and impact of…

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