It’s no exaggeration when we say that most of the corporate boards are not well read on cybersecurity. They know it’s something important, but to this day the urgency of implementing a good cybersecurity strategy is still lacking.
While there is a certain awareness on the occurrence of cyberattacks and the importance of cybersecurity, there is limited knowledge and focus on implementing the correct security measures to prevent them.
And that’s exactly why our CTO, Sebastien Deleersnyder, joined several other digital experts and leaders in creating a list of 50 critical questions to ask about digitalization. This list was created in the context of Fastfwd Belgium.
With this list, the corporate boards have the right questions to reflect on what they need to improve in order to become compliant and secure. Our aim is to increase the awareness of the corporate boards and these questions are the right trigger to do just that.
The list of questions cover topics such as:

- Cybersecurity
- Cloud
- Data
- Digital maturity of the organization
- Risk management
- Compliance
- Disclosure of security & privacy breaches
- And much more